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Frage Antworten
I am making a cake.
Lernen beginnen
I am making a cake.
He is looking for his glasses.
Lernen beginnen
He is looking for his glasses.
The baby is sleeping in its pram.
Lernen beginnen
The baby is sleeping in its pram.
The sun is rising.
Lernen beginnen
Is the sun rising?
The boy is selling newspapers.
Lernen beginnen
Is the boy selling newspapers?
Your dog is barking too loudly.
Lernen beginnen
Is your dog barking too loudly?
You are asking strange questions.
Lernen beginnen
Are you asking strange questions?
The man is calling the police.
Lernen beginnen
Is the man calling the police?
Somebody is knocking at the door.
Lernen beginnen
Is somebody knocking at the door?
She is thinking of buying a new house.
Lernen beginnen
Is she thinking of buying a new house?
The birds are singing.
Lernen beginnen
Are the birds singing?
Kate is crying at the moment.
Lernen beginnen
Is Kate crying at the moment?
I am feeling well now.
Lernen beginnen
Am I feeling well now?
The girls are waiting for the bus.
Lernen beginnen
Are the girls waiting for the bus?
The phone is ringing.
Lernen beginnen
Is the phone ringing?
She is wearing a pretty hat.
Lernen beginnen
Is she wearing a pretty hat?
I am coming home.
Lernen beginnen
Am I coming home?
They are staying in a hotel.
Lernen beginnen
Are they staying in a hotel?
The sun is shining.
Lernen beginnen
Is the sun shining?
My friends are having dinner.
Lernen beginnen
Are my friends having dinner?

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