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w nocy
Lernen beginnen
at night
I like reading at night.
w weekend
Lernen beginnen
at the weekend
We are planning to go skiing at the weekend.
na koniec/końcu
Lernen beginnen
at the end of
What's at the end of this road? Just a dead end?
na początku
Lernen beginnen
at the beginning of
I wonder what life was like at the beginning of the 18th century.
u drzwi
Lernen beginnen
at the door
Someone is standing at the door.
na górze
Lernen beginnen
at the top of
At the top of the mountain there were 3 men.
na dole
Lernen beginnen
at the bottom of
At the bottom of page 9 there is my signature.
z przodu
Lernen beginnen
at the front
There is a beautiful garden at the front of the mansion.
z tyłu
Lernen beginnen
at the back
There's a garage at the back of my house.
w domu
Lernen beginnen
at home
Just feel at home.
w pracy
Lernen beginnen
at work
Recently we've got a lot to do at work.
w szkole/na uniwersytecie/w college
Lernen beginnen
at school/univeristy/college
Did you have lunch at school yesterday?
nad morzem
Lernen beginnen
at sea
Do you think that spending holidays at sea is what she really wants?
na przyjęciu
Lernen beginnen
at a party
This is Amanda. We've met at a party.
na konferencji
Lernen beginnen
at a conference
We are not allowed to eat snacks at a conference.
na stacji/lotnisku
Lernen beginnen
at the station/airport
Is someone going to welcome me at the airport?
u lekarza
Lernen beginnen
at the doctor's
He was supposed to be at the doctor's now!
w wieku ... lat
Lernen beginnen
at the age of...
My father got married at the age of 30.
W ... stopniach Celsjusza
Lernen beginnen
at... degrees Celsius
Water doesn't boil at 50 degrees Celsius.
na skrzyżowaniu
Lernen beginnen
at the crossroads
His car is waiting at the crossroads now.
przy stole
Lernen beginnen
at the table
There was the whole family sitting at the table.
na ślubie/pogrzebie
Lernen beginnen
at the wedding/funeral
It was at the funeral when I first saw Susan.
w końcu
Lernen beginnen
at last
At last we found our way back home.
na przystanku
Lernen beginnen
at the bus stop
Waiting at the bus stop is not my favourite pastime.
w kościele
Lernen beginnen
at church
She spends Sundays at church.
za wszelką cenę
Lernen beginnen
at all costs
You must pass this exam at all costs.
o świcie
Lernen beginnen
at dawn
At dawn she woke up and found out that her purse was missing.
Lernen beginnen
at ease
Go for a walk - this will set your mind at ease.
na początku
Lernen beginnen
at first
At first I felt very stressed buth then everything went smooth.
pod koniec
Lernen beginnen
at the end
At the end of the movie everyone was fast asleep.
od pierwszego wejrzenia
Lernen beginnen
at first sight
It was love at first sight and it lasted the whole 2 weeks.
pod ręką
It's never at hand when I need it.
at hand
Lernen beginnen
w pobliżu
tak na prawdę
I still love you
Lernen beginnen
at heart
Pamela Anderson.
At heart
z prędkością ... km/h
Lernen beginnen
at ... km an hour
Sir you've been driving your vehicle at 170 km an hour.
na wolności
Lernen beginnen
at large
The murderer escaped from prison and is still at large.
Lernen beginnen
at least
At least I have my pride.
w tej chwili
Lernen beginnen
at the moment
Are you busy at the moment?
w południe
Lernen beginnen
at noon
I have just made an appointment at noon.
w czasie wojny/pokoju
Lernen beginnen
at war/peace
It means we're at war.
Lernen beginnen
at present
At present the station is closed.
od ręki
Lernen beginnen
at short notice
I don't believe they repaired your car at such a short notice.
z pełną prędkością
Lernen beginnen
at full speed
Driving at full speed gives me the adrenaline which I need.
Lernen beginnen
at times
The acoustics was so poor that I didn't hear the lecturer at times.
na krześle/w fotelu
Lernen beginnen
in a chair/armchair
I remember him sitting in this armchair.
w łóżku
Lernen beginnen
in bed
Still in bed? It's time to get up!
na świecie
Lernen beginnen
in the world
These are the best muffins in the world.
na środku ulicy
Lernen beginnen
in the middle of the road
Watch out! There is a broken vehicle in the middle of the road.
na północy/południu/wschodzie/zachodzie
Lernen beginnen
in the north/south/east/west
Cracow isn't in the west of Poland.
na niebie
Lernen beginnen
in the sky
There are so many beautiful stars in the sky.
z czasem
Lernen beginnen
in time
In time we got used to our neighbour's dog.
na czas
Lernen beginnen
in time (for)
We arrived in time for the lecture.
w końcu
you liar!"
Lernen beginnen
in the end
In the end he stood up and shouted: "That's it
w rogu
Lernen beginnen
in the corner
Can you see the mouse over there sitting in the corner?
w szpitalu
Lernen beginnen
in hospital
He is in hospital after a terrible accident he had last week.
w więzieniu
Lernen beginnen
in prison
Don't tell anyone but I've been in prison for 5 years.
w deszczu/słońcu/cieniu
Lernen beginnen
in the rain/sun/shade
I'm singing in the rain...
moim zdaniem
Lernen beginnen
in my opinion
In my opinion you should give up smoking mum.
pisać atramentem/ołówkiem
Lernen beginnen
(write) in ink/pencil
Please don't write in pencil during the test.
w niebezpieczeństwie
Lernen beginnen
in danger
I'm afraid your son is in danger.
Lernen beginnen
in cash
You have to pay in cash in that shop.
w przyszłości
Lernen beginnen
in the future
My brother will become an astronaut in the future.
w odpowiedzi (na)
Lernen beginnen
in answer (to)
In answer to your letter we're sending you the invoice.
po angielsku
Lernen beginnen
in English
How can I understand the letter? It's in English!
I don't like animals.
Lernen beginnen
in general
In general
parami w parach
Lernen beginnen
pairs in pairs
o We are going to do the exercise in pairs.
innymi słowy
Lernen beginnen
in other words
How to say "mean" in other words?
w dodatku
Lernen beginnen
in addition to
In addition to arriving late she forgot to bring the note we had asked for.
z wyprzedzeniem
Lernen beginnen
in advance
You should book these tickets in advance.
Lernen beginnen
in brief
Could you tell me in brief what has just happened?
w centrum
Lernen beginnen
in the centre of
The hotel is in the centre of the city.
(być) odpowiedzialnym za
Lernen beginnen
(be) in charge of
Who is in charge of this project?
I guess.
Lernen beginnen
in common
We get on well because we have a lot in common
w porównaniu z
Lernen beginnen
in comparison with
It is more interesting in comparison with your last novel.
it was a very successful enterprise.
Lernen beginnen
in conclusion
In conclusion
Lernen beginnen
in detail
Could you describe it to me in detail?
w zamian za
Lernen beginnen
in exchange for
I'll give you 10$ in exchange for this.
w rzeczywistości
Lernen beginnen
in fact
No wonder they got themselves killed. It is in fact a dangerous route.
Lernen beginnen
in fashion
Are long skirts still in fashion?
(być) za (być zwolennikiem)
Lernen beginnen
(be) in favour of
All in favour of capital punishment raise your hands.
na pół
Lernen beginnen
in half
Should I cut the apple in half?
w pośpiechu
Lernen beginnen
in a hurry
My parent are always in a hurry.
zakochany w
I'm afraid.
Lernen beginnen
in love with
I'm in love with my friend's girlfriend
w międzyczasie
Lernen beginnen
in the meantime
Try to water the flowers and in the meantime I'll do the dishes.
w imię
Lernen beginnen
in the name of
They acted in the name of justice.
krótko (mówiąc)
Lernen beginnen
in a nutshell
Let me put it in a nutshell: "I am leaving."
Lernen beginnen
in order to
I wrote it down in order not to forget.
Lernen beginnen
(be) in pain
The soldier was in such pain that he couldn't stand it any more.
w szczególności
ice-cream in particular.
Lernen beginnen
in particular
I like sweets
w przeszłości
Lernen beginnen
in the past
In the past I swam a lot.
Lernen beginnen
in person
Do I have to pick up the package in person?
w zasadzie
Lernen beginnen
in principle
In principle we don't allow children in here.
Lernen beginnen
in theory/practice
In theory everything is possible.
Lernen beginnen
in public/private
I need to talk to you in private.
w trakcie
Lernen beginnen
in progress
The work is still in progress.
w zamian
Lernen beginnen
in return
What will I get in return?
w obronie własnej
I killed him but it was in self-defence.
Lernen beginnen
in self-defence
na ulicy
Lernen beginnen
in the street
Do you really want to end up living in the street?
w kontakcie
Lernen beginnen
in touch
Bye. We'll be in touch.
po kolei
Lernen beginnen
in turn
Could you speak in turn
na próżno
Lernen beginnen
in vain
Don't cry in vain.
o którym mowa
Lernen beginnen
in question
The man in question was absent that day.
na pokładzie
Lernen beginnen
on board
How many people are on board
w rejs
Lernen beginnen
on a cruise
I'll take you on a cruise to Italy if you want.
na ziemi
Lernen beginnen
on Earth
The photographer took pictures of almost all species which live on Earth.
na obrzeżach
Lernen beginnen
on the outskirts
I dream of living on the outskirts of London.
na (trzeciej) stronie
Lernen beginnen
on page (three)
You'll find the exercise on page three.
na chodniku
Lernen beginnen
on the pavement
Look! There's a car parked on the pavement!
w radio
Lernen beginnen
on the radio
I don't watch TV. I listen to the news on the radio.
w telewizji
Lernen beginnen
on TV
Is there anything interesting on TV tonight?
na moje urodziny
Lernen beginnen
on my birthday
What are you going to give me on my birthday?
Lernen beginnen
on time
Philip is a very reliable person and he always comes to the meetings on time.
po prawej/lewej
Lernen beginnen
on the right/left
Where am I? On the right I can see a post office and there's a church on the left.
po drodze do
Lernen beginnen
on the way to
I bought this dress on the way to the grocer's.
przez telefon
Lernen beginnen
on the phone
Yesterday I was talking to him on the phone. He asked me to pay him a visit.
strajkować/rozpocząć strajk
Lernen beginnen
be/go on strike
The workers threatened to go on strike if they don't get a rise.
być na diecie/ przejść na dietę
Lernen beginnen
be/go on a diet
No thank you. I can't eat this cake as I am on a diet.
palić się
Lernen beginnen
be on fire
The whole room is on fire. We have to run!
Lernen beginnen
on the whole
On the whole it all depends on the point of view.
Lernen beginnen
on purpose
You know I would never hurt you on purpose.
na piechotę
Lernen beginnen
on foot
It's not far from here. You can walk. It will take you 5 minutes on foot.
pod warunkiem że
Lernen beginnen
on condition that
w imieniu
Lernen beginnen
on behalf of
I am here on behalf of the Mayor.
z jednej strony... z drugiej strony
Lernen beginnen
on the one hand... on the other hand
On the one hand I would like to go on a trip to Egypt but on the other hand I am afraid of flying.
w autobusie/w pociągu/w samolocie/na statku/na rowerze/na motocyklu/na koniu
Lernen beginnen
on a bus/a train/a plane/a ship/a bike/a motorbike/horse
Yes mom I managed to get to the station on time and I'm already on the train to Moscow.
z powodu
Lernen beginnen
on account of
He was absent during the conference on account of being ill.
Lernen beginnen
on average
Polish couples have 2 kids on average.
w interesach
Lernen beginnen
on business
I'm not a tourist. I'm here on business.
Lernen beginnen
on the contrary
- Is he a good swimmer?
na żądanie
Lernen beginnen
on demand
We can order the movie on demand but it will cost you extra money.
na służbie
Lernen beginnen
on duty
Are you still on duty officer?
na (drugim) piętrze
Lernen beginnen
on the (2nd) floor
My neighbour who lives on the 2nd floor is very noisy.
na wakacjach
Lernen beginnen
on holiday/vacation
Where are you planning to go on your holiday?
w internecie
Lernen beginnen
on the Internet
I found your advertisement on the Internet.
na kolanach
Lernen beginnen
on one's knees
Do I have to beg you on my knees?
po namyśle
Lernen beginnen
on second thoughts
At first I didn't like the idea but on second thoughts I decided to do it.
Lernen beginnen
on one's own
She likes to show that she's already a big girl and tries to do everything on her own.
(być) na zwolnieniu lekarskim/iść na zwolnienie lekarskie
Lernen beginnen
(be) on sick-leave
He's been on sick-leave since Monday.
(być) na urlopie macierzyńskim/przejść na urlop macierzyński
Lernen beginnen
(be) on maternity leave/go on maternity leave
She went on maternity leave last month.
(wysyłać) pocztą
Lernen beginnen
send) by post
Don't send this necklace by post! It's too valuable.
(robić) ręcznie
Lernen beginnen
(do) by hand
Were all these items done by hand? It's a marvellous collection!
(skontaktować się) przez telefon/email/fax
Lernen beginnen
(contact) by phone/e-mail/fax
The message has been sent to you by e-mail.
(płacić) czekiem/kartą kredytową
Lernen beginnen
(pay) by cheque/credit card
May I pay by credit card in here?
przez pomyłkę/niechcący/przez przypadek
I'm afraid you took my coat by mistake.
Lernen beginnen
by mistake/accident/chance
Excuse me
Lernen beginnen
by car/train/plane/subway
Travelling by train seems to be very popular in this country.
na pamięć
Lernen beginnen
by heart
Don't learn by heart! Try to understand what you're reading.
nawiasem mówiąc przy okazji
Lernen beginnen
by the way
did I tell you that my husband used to live there himself?
dzień po dniu
Lernen beginnen
day by day
If I had to cook dinner day by day I would get bored of cooking soon.
Lernen beginnen
by telepathy
I don't believe that communication by telepathy is possible.
na przykładzie
Lernen beginnen
by example
Some say that learning by example is the most effective method of all.
podczas dnia/nocy
Lernen beginnen
by day/night
If you travel by night you will probably be willing to rest during the day.
z zaskoczenia
Lernen beginnen
by surprise
I didn't expect my friends to do anything like that. I was totally taken by surprise!
do tej pory
Lernen beginnen
by now
By now they should be getting off the bus in Canada.
szczęśliwym trafem
Lernen beginnen
by luck
He isn't smart. He only solved the riddle by luck.
z urodzenia/poprzez małżeństwo/po mężu
Lernen beginnen
by birth/marriage
Anna Nowak by marriage Johnson is going to teach our class.

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