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w porównaniu z
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in comparison with
This is a crucial change in comparison with earlier reports.
nie doceniać, brać za pewnik
Lernen beginnen
take for granted
I took it for granted that they'd offer to pay for their share but I was wrong.
póki co, na razie
Lernen beginnen
for the time being
For the time being, it is, of course, impossible to say when the second stage will be introduced.
dla odmiany
Lernen beginnen
for a change
zdecydowanie, nieporównanie
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by far
1. You're the best choice... by far. 2. But the biggest fish by far is this man.
w chwili przybycia
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on arrival
On arrival at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.
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on average
In Europe, women still earn on average 18% less than men.
na żądanie, życzenie
Lernen beginnen
on demand
na służbie
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on duty
w imieniu
Lernen beginnen
on behalf of
I’d like to say on behalf of the whole group that we wish you well in your new job.
na wybrzeżu
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on the coast
z kolei, przeciwnie
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on the contrary
Look, on the contrary of what may be written on your wall, people don't always leave.
w zasadzie, ogólnie rzecz biorąc
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on the whole
She is the most natural person on the whole world.
służbowo, w interesach
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on business
pod warunkiem, że
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on condition that
poza kontrolą, z miejsca/ od razu
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out of hand
1. This has gotten completely out of hand.
poza zasięgiem
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out of reach
Lernen beginnen
out of stock
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out of breath
zgodnie z
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according to
wyprzedzić epokę
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ahead of one's time
That 19th-century scientist was definitely ahead of his time with his detailed plan of space travel.
niezgodny z prawem
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against the law
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behind the times
Of course grandpa doesn't have a cell phone—he's behind the times, as usual.
w odniesieniu do
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in/ with reference to
1. I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists. 2. I'm calling in reference to your series on prejudice.
w odpowiedzi na
Lernen beginnen
in response to
Nonetheless, some changes were made in response to comments made by visitors to his workshop.
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instead of
moim zdaniem
Lernen beginnen
to my mind
ku czyjemuś zaskoczeniu
Lernen beginnen
to one's surprise
To my great surprise, they agreed to all our demands.
trochę, ileś
Lernen beginnen
to some extent
I also see this to some extent as an endorsement of my own work.
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under arrest
majac na uwadze
Lernen beginnen
with a view to
These measures have been taken with a view to increasing the company's profits.
w związku z
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with regard to
w tarapatach
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in difficulty
o którym mowa
Lernen beginnen
in question
For all these reasons, I voted in favour of the report in question.

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