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he lost his assets when he got divorced
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extremely big A vast amount of money, vast forest areas
wymowa: istejt Lernen beginnen
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my friend oversees my every workout
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A series of exercises to make your body strong A daily workout at the gym
something that has not been included but should have been Lernen beginnen
there are some serious omissions in the the book
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think you are better than other people he seems arrogant and aloof
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to commit suicide, he committed himself to helping others
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supermarkets use all sorts of tricks to entice you to buy things
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and though she's quite small she's very strong
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być na zasiłku =be on welfare Lernen beginnen
someone's welfare is their health and happiness he is concerned about the welfare of young men who in prison
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make another person or thing seem much less important good famous van ghok was somewhat eclipsed by picasso
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pure, total Lernen beginnen
an adalte rejtid I've never heard such unadalterated nonsense in my life
A co dopiero, nie mówiąc o Lernen beginnen
her appearance is shocking let alone her behavior
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we have to leave now get on with it
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weigh-verb, weight - noun I'm weighing up whether to study in Liverpool or Manchester
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jeśli wszystko pójdzie zgodnie z planem Lernen beginnen
if all goes to plan I will pass my exam
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with any luck we will arrive on time
kawa/kontrakt Lernen beginnen
I've nearly run out of money, Come on time is running out
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PA stands for protection against, the party stands for low taxes
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you will share his fate if you continue doing that
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he must be punished it's a matter of principle
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rygorystyczne, szczegółowe Lernen beginnen
rige res A rigorous medical examination
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amju z
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bajn ding it's a legally binding contract
posunąć się naprzód, ruszyć do przodu Lernen beginnen
progress the organisations are forging ahead with a programme
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yks sesiw the price was too excessive
odnoszą się do, nawiązywać, wspominać, mówić o kimś to talk or write about someone or sth Lernen beginnen
he promised not to refer to this situation, who are you referring to in your thesis, he always referred to his father as the old man
easy to hurt or attack physically or emotionally Lernen beginnen
walne rebl he is more vulnerable to infection because of his injuries
standard, punkt odniesienia Lernen beginnen
we will use his performance as a benchmark for other students
kwalifikacje / referencje Lernen beginnen
kridenszlz very impressive credentials for one year
trzymaj się, nie poddawaj sie Lernen beginnen
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she looks terrific, terrific opportunity
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quite frankly I don't like her
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create, find, produce, invent będzie do dużych dziejowych rzeczy we need to come up with a better way of making money money
popierać, say sth Lernen beginnen
my mum backed me up in my fight for compensation
dławić się, zatykac/zablokować Lernen beginnen
children can choke on peanuts, the road was chocked with traffic
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we had a very enjoyable evening
very unusual or noticeable in a way that you admire Lernen beginnen
he has a remarkable memory
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climb, go up the children clambered into the boat
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women now far outnumber men on language courses
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people tend to make assumption about you when you have a disability
zajmować się czymś, pracuje nad tym Lernen beginnen
chwytać ściskac, zafascynowany keep sb's attention completely Lernen beginnen
the trial has gripped the whole nation
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in 2000 he inherited a small house
cudownie, w cudowny sposób Lernen beginnen
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they called off the flight Lernen beginnen
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his delay hold the concert up
podrzucać, wysadzić kogoś w danym miejscu Lernen beginnen
I can drop you off at school
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if you make mistake you'll have to start over
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komende bl she showed commendable modesty
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I would like to point out how important... /point out couple of areas...
nadawać się, odpowiedniosc Lernen beginnen
for z noun, to z verb there were doubts about his suitability for the job
sposób myślenia, nastawienia Lernen beginnen
it's hard to change mindset of the public and press
uporczywy, utrzymujące sie Lernen beginnen
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iry te bl jack has been irritable all day
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it was a restless night I couldn't sleep at all
być predysponowanym do czegoś Lernen beginnen
pri dis pouzd some people are predisposed to addiction
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the reduction of inflation was a remarkable accomplishment
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sexual abuse wykorzystywanie seksualnie A various time in her life she abused both alcohol and drugs
okres, epizod spędzony na danej czynności Lernen beginnen
stint she enjoyed her stint as a secretary
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strenju es the government made strenuous efforts to upgrade the quality of the...
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you can use margarine in place of butter in some recipes
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she argued strongly in defense of her action
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