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droga wodna, kanał
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a stream of water such as a river or canal, or the channel along which it flows
To adequately sample species potentially confined to watercourses, we examined streams separately
przejechać, przeprawić (się przez coś), przemierzyć, przejazd, przewóz
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They transited the country today. A vase was damaged in transit.
poczta tradycyjna
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snail mail
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wake, funeral banquet
A funeral banquet is hold in honour of the deceased.
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As for the haematoma, a cold compress would fix that. He suffered a haematoma that left him bed-ridden for days.
kifoza, garb, zgarbienie
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In bad cases of scoliosis or kyphosis, a person may have a hard time breathing.
ogarniać, co się dzieje (np. w otoczeniu, w danym temacie), włączać odbiornik na daną stację
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tune in
to listen to or view a broadcast of. to associate oneself with what is happening or one's surroundings
He is one of those people who never tunes in. tuned in the weather report
mówić szybko z pamięci
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rattle off
to say or read aloud very quickly a list of names or things, or something you have learned:
She rattled off the names of the people who were coming to the party.
szczyt, ściana szczytowa
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the top end of the wall of a building, in the shape of a triangle, where it meets the sloping parts of a roof
odporny na zimę, mrozoodporny
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a winter-hardy plant
akademicki, nauczyciel akademicki (na uczelni
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someone who teaches at a college, or who studies as part of their job. the subjects that you study in high school or college:
Her son seems to prefer sports over academics. I was never a particularly academic child. Both of my parents are academics.
walec parowy; zmiażdżyć, przytłoczyć siłą, (np. konkurencję); zmuszać, przeforsować
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The company is so big they simply steamroller the competition. They steamrollered the bill through the legislature.
wykończony, potwornie zmęczony (UK SLANG), zdezelowany, rozwalont
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broken or too old to use:
My bike's knackered. I'm too knackered to go out this evening.
burta, salwa całą burtą; ostra krytyka, ustawiony burtą do fali, ustawiony burtą do wiatru
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the action of firing all the guns on one side of a navy ship at the same time. a strong written or spoken attack (on someone. with a side facing something
The car was hit broadside. The front and rear were undamaged.
tak szybko, jak to możliwe (podwójnie szybko)
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very quickly. very quickly, or as quickly as possible
She left the room double-quick when I started singing. I shouted and he was gone in double-quick time.
chwiejny, niezdecydowany; rozmyty, nijaki (kolor)
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lacking in character or determination: INEFFECTUAL luckluster. bland, boring
wishy-washy leadership. wishy-washy wines.
kierownica (motoruz roweru)
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a bar with a curved end that you hold when riding a bicycle or motorcycle and use to turn the front wheel so that it points in a different direction
He was hunched over the handlebars, pedalling furiously. You make a turn by twisting the left handlebar.
bordowy, winny
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a dark reddish-purple colour, like the colour of red wine
There are deep reds and bright golds, mixed in with lavenders, burgundies and blues. She ordered a glass of burgundy.
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the cloth used for covering a seat and/or the substance used for filling it:
an old sofa with faded green upholstery
świński, pornograficzny
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There's an awful lot of smut on television these days.
komar, muszka
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a small fly that flies in groups, and often bites
sparzyć, podgotowac
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to boil food for a short time until it is partly cooked
wotywny, dziękczynny
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given or done to honour and thank a god
votive offerings
afisz, plakat (np. reklamowy) transparent. tabliczka (np. na drzwiach z nazwiskiem)
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a large piece of card, paper, etc. with a message written or printed on it, often carried in public places by people who are complaining about something:
Demonstrators marched past holding/waving placards that said "Send food, not missiles!"
heros, półbóg
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Some football players become like demigods to their fans.
pęknięcie, pękać, przerywać
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to (cause something to) explode, break, or tear: an occasion when something explodes, breaks, or tears:
His appendix ruptured and he had to be rushed to hospital. This news has ruptured (= violently ended) the delicate peace between the rival groups. a rupture of the pipeline figurative a rupture between the families
parzyć (np. o pokrzywie, meduzie)
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znać się z kimś z widzenia, nie znać kogoś zbyt dobrze
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be on nodding terms with
skulić się ze strachu
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to lower your head or body in fear, often while moving backwards:
The five of us had been cowering behind a low wall. She read the black thought in my mind, and cowered away from me. Stop cowering! I'm not going to hit you.
oszołomiony czymś, upojony czymś
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feeling silly, happy, and excited and showing this in your behaviour
giddy with She was giddy with excitement.
reakcja walcz lub uciekaj (reakcja organizmu na sytuację stresową
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fight-or-flight response
tend-or-befriend response - opposite
pochówek, pogrzebanie zwłok
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The initial interments were made in the area during this time
totalna ruina; podupaść (o budynku), popaść w ruinę
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rack and ruin
torturować, poddawać katuszom, łamać (kołem) - rack
In the Middle Ages people were racked
krzyżowac się; odnosić sukcesy na wielu polach; docierać do szerokiej publiczności
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cross over
to change from one activity or style to another: to start to affect a new group of people, animals, or things: to become popular with a new group of people:
Charles crossed over from blues to gospel. Scientists will try to determine whether the virus has crossed over to any other species. The group's traditional black soul sound has crossed over to white audiences.
audycja, program (np. w radio, w telewizji
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This idea does not fit with our broadcasting. Next week she's going to be on her first national broadcast.
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pędzić, gnać (potocznie), naciągnąć mięsień
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to tear
I saw a deer tearing along the road. He wanted to tear the wallet off my hand but I was stronger... He tore his muscle so he won't be able to play with us the next Sunday.
szturchaniec, tracić
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All I did was give your uncle a little nudge out of the door. I'll nudge them with the car if the don't move away from the bonnet of my car.
słabnąć, więdnąć, opadać (o kwiatach), spuszczać głowę
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His shoulders drooped when she broke up with him. Water the plants or they'll droop. His spirits will droop when he hears the news.
wystawny, z przepychem
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impressive in a way that seems expensive
The celebrity guests turned up dressed in sumptuous evening gowns.

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