September, mad max 24 🚕

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moment obrotowy, moment skręcający, moment siły
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a force that causes something to rotate (= turn in a circle)
Such torques are transferred inwards towards the base of the robot resulting in increased joint torques.
pikantny, interesujący (życie, potrawa)
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interesting and exciting, especially because of being mysterious:
More piquant details of their private life were revealed.
wysokiej jakości materiał
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high-grade material
of very good quality or of better quality than usual:
high-grade petrol
cmentarz (slangowo)
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serducho, zegarek
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ironicznie, z przekąsem
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tongue in cheek
Your tongue-in-cheek comments are sometimes annoying.
ku domowi
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kołowrót ręczny, wyciągarka; podnosić za jego pomocą obiekty
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a machine that lifts heavy objects by turning a chain or rope around a tube-shaped device:
Winches powered by electric motors launched the gliders into the air. This old steam winch was used to pull things up on shore in days gone by.
usunąć martwą tkankę
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a treatment in which dead tissue is removed from wounds such as burns in order to help them get better:
chemical debridement. Maggots can debride a wound in a day or two. If you debride too much, you just end up losing bone.
martwiczy, nekrotyczny
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(of cell tissues) dying
Maggots eat away necrotic tissues.
wariacki, stuknięty, zdziwaczały
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slightly strange or mentally ill:
a dotty old woman. Jean's absolutely dotty about cats.
wypaczony, zniekształcony
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I think that picture is hanging skew. The company's income is skewed because not all customers have paid their bills
PODSYCAĆ (JAKIEŚ EMOCJE) pichcić coś, przygotować naprędce jakiś posiłek
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whip something up
to encourage or cause people to have strong feelings about something. to make food or a meal very quickly and easily:(informal)
She criticized the organization for trying to whip up anti-immigrant prejudice. He was trying to whip up some enthusiasm for the project. I have just enough time to whip up an omelette.
chłop, facet (BRE)🪖
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zdobyć wyróżnienie
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gain a distinction
jeg ville ikke jinx det, ZAPESZAC, przynieść pecha
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Jan made a face, as if saying it would jinx things.
ogień krytyki, ogień przeciwlotniczy
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get flack
The flak destroyed 2 airplanes. He got flak from his family.
przygotowywać (kogoś na coś. 2) załadować 🔫 3) zagruntować
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You can't shoot if the revolver is not primed. How can I prime her for the worst? I bought a varnish to prime the wood
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My vision was blurry and I could only see contours.
kanalia, świnia 🦨
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an unpleasant person. US slang disapproving
He was an oily, opportunistic skunk
przyjąć, przyjmować (np. nowych członków), wchłonąć, wcielić
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(of an elected group) to make someone a member through the choice of the present members: to include someone in something, often against their will: to use someone else's ideas
She was co-opted on to the committee last June. Whether they liked it or not, local people were co-opted into the victory parade. Rock and roll music was largely co-opted from the blues.
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a person who obtains something by force or threats
He had to get up and pay off an extortionist in the morning

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