Słówka 23.03

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doting parents
Lernen beginnen
loving too much
to coo
Lernen beginnen
(dove, pigeon) say sth in a calm, soft manner
Lernen beginnen
to venture somewhere/out
Lernen beginnen
to travel, to go somewhere dangerous, to guess
to be high on the list
Lernen beginnen
to be at the top of the list
to level (criticism) of sb
Lernen beginnen
to bring (criticism), to level accusations against sb
to foster
Lernen beginnen
to encourage the development of sth
to pin one's hopes on sth
Lernen beginnen
hopeful, hope to get sth, rely on sth
foul play
Lernen beginnen
not according to the rules
to cover for sb
Lernen beginnen
stand in for sb
to surpass
Lernen beginnen
to go beyond sth/ transgress, be better than sb else
encroach sb's rights
Lernen beginnen
violate one's rights
to allege
Lernen beginnen
to claim that sth is true but not having clear proof
to denote
Lernen beginnen
to be the sign of sth, indicate
to infer
Lernen beginnen
to conclude
to fabricate
Lernen beginnen
to make up, (... tion)
to plant sth in sth
Lernen beginnen
to ask sb to take part in sth secretly, without anyones knowing
to instigate
Lernen beginnen
to start sth troublesome
to devise (plan)
Lernen beginnen
opracować, think of sth, carefully taking care for every detail
to notify sb of sth
Lernen beginnen
to announce officially
to convey
Lernen beginnen
to get acquainted with, przekazać, wyrażać
Lernen beginnen
near, sąsiedni, przylegający, graniczący
to abolish
Lernen beginnen
to get rid of it, uchylić, unieważnić
Lernen beginnen
kidnapped (e.g. by aliens)
to abscond
Lernen beginnen
to take sth that is not yours and run away (girlfriend, money)
to dispose of sth
Lernen beginnen
to get rid of sth, rozmieścić, rozmieszczać
to repel
Lernen beginnen
to drive sb back, to refuse to accept
Lernen beginnen
you can go (work, lesson)
to pile
Lernen beginnen
to accumulate, zwalać na kupę, ustawiać na stos
to mount sth onto sth
Lernen beginnen
to fix, zorganizować, urządzić
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
to be the cause of sth
enact (a law, play)
Lernen beginnen
perform, odegrać, odgrywać, grać, zagrać
engaged to sb/in sth
Lernen beginnen
involved, to be a fiancee
to imply
Lernen beginnen
to suggest, dawać do zrozumienia, insynuować
to startle
Lernen beginnen
to surprise, to perplex
to trigger
Lernen beginnen
to cause, uruchomić (alarm), wywołać
Lernen beginnen
to be an undesireable beginning of sth, iskra,
Lernen beginnen
to let sb in sth
Lernen beginnen
to allow sb to be the part of your secret
Lernen beginnen
violent, wild, brutal
to plead with sb
Lernen beginnen
to let one go to sb's party
to plead sth to
Lernen beginnen
to admit, powoływać się na coś
to issue
Lernen beginnen
wydać (ulotki)
to pay through the nose for sth
Lernen beginnen
to pay too mcuh
Lernen beginnen
not to be involved in sth
to stand trial
Lernen beginnen
stanąć przed sądem
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
common, wzajemny, wspólny (szacunek, sympatia, przeyjaciel)
sth bears no relation to sth
Lernen beginnen
it is no related to anything
to seek refuge in a place
Lernen beginnen
szukać schronienia
Lernen beginnen
escape, uczieczka
to run a risk
Lernen beginnen
from scratch
Lernen beginnen
from the very beginning
the onset
Lernen beginnen
the beginning of sth negative
to offset
Lernen beginnen
to compensate, zrównoważyć, skompensować
the implementation of the project
Lernen beginnen
instance of putting sth live, wdrożyć, urzeczywistniać

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