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zezwalać, dopuszczać
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permit Limited clinical date in children do not permit to recommend an optimal dosage regiment presently
dostosować, korygować, uregulować
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adjust The doctor may have to adjust your dose.
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wolny, do wzięcia, spełniać warunki
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to eligible
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favorable favorable effect of a blood pressure
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zawroty głowy
dostarczać, zapewniać, zaopatrywać
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to provide blinded medication provided by sponsor
droga, ścieżka
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powinowactwo, bliskość
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affinity vildagliptin has a high affinity for the human enzyme
uwolnić, wypuszczać
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to release
wzrastać, podwyższać
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to increase
pomniejszyć, zmniejszyć, osłabić
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to diminish gradual dose titration may help to diminish these effects
poposiłkowy, poobiedni
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postprandial in the postprandial period
stąd, z tego powodu
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hence hence, there is a need for more oral treatment options before starting insuline
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to achieve many patients still don't achieve or maintain adequate glicemic control
łączyć, wiązać, zmieszać
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to combine do not combine metformin to any of the following medicines
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despite HbA1c rises despite treatment
nawiązywać, sięgać, przekazać
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to refer refer to section 4.3 please refer to the attached information for additional case details
więc, zatem, w ten sposób
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thus thus the risk for humans is unknown

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