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This clock has a very loud...
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This clock has a very loud tick.
Don't ...! Get a tissue and blow your nose.
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Don't sniff! Get a tissue and blow your nose.
To get the new software, just ... on the "download" icon
Lernen beginnen
To get the new software, just click on the "download" icon
There was a ... as she jumped into the swimmimng pool
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There was a splash as she jumped into the swimmimng pool
Did you hear that...? Is sounded like a gun.
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Did you hear that bang? Is sounded like a gun.
I heard a floorboard... and I knew somebody had come into the room
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I heard a floorboard creak and I knew somebody had come into the room
I could hear the ... of a fly, but I couldn't see it anywhere
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I could hear the buzz of a fly, but I couldn't see it anywhere
I hate people who... at me when I slow down at an amber light.
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I hate people who hoot at me when I slow down at an amber light.
When I am nervous, I often... my fingers on the table.
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When I am nervous, I often tap my fingers on the table.
Don't ... your soup! Eat it quietly.
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Don't slurp your soup! Eat it quietly.
The snake reared its head and gave an angry...
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The snake reared its head and gave an angry hiss.
Please, turn the tap off properly, otherwise it will...
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Please, turn the tap off properly, otherwise it will drip
We could hear the ... of the crowd in the football stadium from our hotel.
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We could hear the roar of the crowd in the football stadium from our hotel.
Some of the players carried on playing because they hadn't heard the...
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Some of the players carried on playing because they hadn't heard the whistle
I don't remember the words of the song, but I can ... the tune
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I don't remember the words of the song, but I can hum the tune
Please don't ... the door. Close it gently.
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Please don't slam the door. Close it gently.
I heard the ... of their feet walking through the crisp snow
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I heard the crunch of their feet walking through the crisp snow
I can't share a room with you if you ... - I won't be able to sleep
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I can't share a room with you if you snore - I won't be able to sleep
Every time a bus or lorry goes by, the windows...
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Every time a bus or lorry goes by, the windows rattle
I heard the... of brakes as the driver tried to stop and then a loud...
Lernen beginnen
I heard the screech of brakes as the driver tried to stop and then a loud crash

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