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kodycyl (dokunent zmieniający testament) codicil
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codicil (dokunent changing Testament) codicil
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inheritance, succession / inheritance
dziedziczenie testamentowe
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testate testate succession
dziedziczenie ustawowe
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intestate succession laws inheritance
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testator / testatrix(female) / will
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heir successor / beneficiary
zapisobierca lub spadkobierca
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legatee or heir beneficiary
spadkodawca (ustawowy)
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testator (statutory) deceased / decedent
spadkobierca (ustawowy)
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heir (statutory) heir / intestate successor
przejście majątku spadkowego
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passage of the estate devolution of estate
przejść (o spadku) devolve / pass from
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move (a decrease) devolve / pass from
majątek spadkowy
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declining property estate / inheritance
ogół praw i obowiązków
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all the rights and obligations of the general rights and Obligations
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deceased died
testament (wszystkie dokumenty stanowiące o ostatniej woli zmarłego) last will
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Testament (all documents constituting of the last will of the deceased) last will
testament (1 dokument) testament
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testament (1 document) testament
testament zwykły
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ordinary testament testament
własnoręczny / holograficzny
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handwritten / holographic holographic
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notarial notarial
allograficzny / urzędowy
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allograft / official allographic / official
testament szczególny
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special testament extraordinary / special / priviledged / emergency testament
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oral oral / werbal
testament sporządzony na polskim statku morskim lub powietrznym
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a will drawn up on a Polish ship or aircraft testament travel / Seagoing vessel / aircraft will made it
testament poświadczony (Szkocja)
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testament certified (Scotland) atested will (signed on every page)
testament wspólny (Anglia i Walia)
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joint will (England and Wales), the joint will
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drop inheritance / estate
dział spadku
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inheritance division / partition of the estate
dokonać podziału spadku
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to divide the inheritance make / perform / divide
drogą umowy
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a treaty by Means of agreement / by ways of agreement
w drodze postępowania przed sądem by court proceedings
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by way of proceedings to court pro- ceedings
sądowy dział spadku
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judicial court inheritance division of estate
masa spadkowa
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the estate of the estate
obowiązki majątkowe
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property rights and duties of duties conceming property
powstający z chwilą otwarcia spadku arising on opening the succession
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formed at the time of opening of the inheritance Arising on opening the succession
niegodność dziedziczenia unworthiness of succession / unworthiness to inherit
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inheritance unworthiness unworthiness of succession / unworthiness that inherit
odrzucenie spadku
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rejection decline desclaimer / rejection of estate / succession
dowiedział się o tytule swojego powołania do spadku to find out his/her right to inherit
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learned about the title of your vocation to fall to find out his / her right to inherit it
odrzucić spadek
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reject reject the decline in estate / inheritance
przyjąć spadek
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accept drop
jak gdyby nie dożył otwarcia spadku as if he predeceased the testator
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as if unable to attend opening of the inheritance as if he predeceased the testator
nie należy mylić
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should not be mistaken
zrzeczenie się dziedziczenia
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waiver of inheritance renunciation of succession
krąg spadkobierców ustawowych
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circle of heirs
wniosek o stwierdzenie nabycia spadku petition for ascertainment of acquisition of the estate of the deceased person
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application for a declaration of inheritance petition for ascertainment of acquisition of the estate of the deceased person
przyszły spadkodawca
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future future testator testator
udział spadkowy
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share of a declining share in the estate / hereditary portion
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w przypadku
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zachowek legitim
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legitim Legitim
rosczenie pieniężne
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Cash pecuniary / monetary claim
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due to
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być powołanym do spadku
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be called to drop
przeciwko spadkobiercom
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against heirs
osoby obdarowane
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person endowed
nie przysługuje
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does not apply
osoby uznane za niegodne
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those deemed unworthy people declared / found it unworthy to inherit
osoby wydziedziczone
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disinherited persons
pursue the claim dochodzić roszczenia
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Pursue the claim to pursue a claim
due sb od kogoś
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due sb from someone
due to komuś
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is due to someone
zapisobierca lub spadkobierca legacy
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legatee or heir to the legacy
zwykły zapis ordinary legacy
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plain ordinary recording legacy
zapis windykacyjny absolute legacy / legatum per vindicatione
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record absolute vindication legacy / Legatum per Vindication
wykonawca testamentu executor / executrix
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executor of the estate executor / executrix
zarządzanie majątkiem spadkowym administration of the estate
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the management of the estate administration of the estate
spłacenie długów padkowych payment of the estate debts
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pay off your debts accidental payment of the estate debts
wykonanie zapisów i poleceń execution of legacies and burdens
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performance records and commands execution of Legacies and Burdens
wydanie spadkobiercom majątku spadkowego distribution of the estate to the heirs
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issue of distribution of the estate to the heirs of the estate to the heirs
osoby powołane do zarządzania masą spadkową personal representatives
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persons appointed to manage the mass of declining personal Representatives
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Administartor manager
przyznanie probacji
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grant of probate
sąd spadkowy
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probate court
orzeczenie o powołaniu na wykonawcę testamentu letters od administration
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the decision to appoint an executor letters of administration
postępowanie spadkowe w przypadku dziedziczenia ustawowego administartion proceedings
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inheritance proceedings in the case of statutory inheritance pro- ceedings Administartion
postępowanie spadkowe w przypadku dziedziczenia testamentowego probate proceedings
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inheritance proceedings in the case of a testamentary inheritance probate pro- ceedings
sąd spadkowy (gdy jest postępowanie nieprocesowe) probate service
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court downward (when non-litigious proceedings) probate service
legat reszty spadkowej
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residuary legacy
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to bequeath / to devise
przechodzenie do reszty spadkowej
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gift lapse (may Occur)
zapisobierca nieruchomości
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europejskie poświadczenie spadkowe European Certificate of Succession
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European Certificate of Succession Certificate of Succession European
stwierdzenie ważności testamentu
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probate of will
akt poświadczenia dziedziczenia certificate of inheritance
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deed of succession certification certificate of inheritance
akt zgonu d
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death certificate death certificate
długi spadkowe
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karta zgonu
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dertificate of cause of death
orzeczenie o uznaniu zmarłego
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declaration of presumed death
odwołanie testamentu
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revocation of a will
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substitution substitution
powłanie do spadku
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call to succession / to inherit
protokół dziedziczenia
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inheritance protocol written record of inheritance
nabycie spadku
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the acquisition of the acquisition of the estate
stwierdzenie nabycia spadku
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statement of inheritance certificate of estate acquisition
wniosek o
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request for application / petition for
przyjęcie spadku
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acceptance of the succession estate
przyjęcie spadku wprost
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adopting a simple straight decline acceptance
z dobrodziejstwem inwentarza
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with the benefit of inventory acceptance of the estate under benefit of inventory
odrzucenie spadku
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decrease rejection rejection of succession
oświadczenie o przyjęciu lub odrzuceniu spadku statement / declaration of acceptance or rejection of the estate
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declaration of acceptance or rejection of the inheritance statement / declaration of acceptance or rejection of the estate
postępowanie w sprawie o stwierdzenie nabycia spadku proceedings to estate acquisition
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proceedings for a declaration of inheritance is pro- ceedings estate acquisition
zapewnienie spadkowe
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provide a declaration of inheritance inheritance
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Preliminary ascendant
zdolność dziedziczenia
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capacity is the ability to inherit inheritance
zdolnośc testowania
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testamentary capacity is capacity testate
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legatee legatee
zbycie spadku
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transfer of estate
sądowe postępowanie działowe
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partition walls / partition action
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ośiwdczenie jako zobowiązanie
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declaration statement / declaration of acceptance or rejection of the estate

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