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A country lane is a road through fields. Lernen beginnen
You’ve been painting away all morning.
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I spent the weekend in the mountains.
There are many crows in the fields. Lernen beginnen
She didn’t dare to ask me.
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She managed to get through, the gap in the fence.
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We had to see it, with our own eyes.
Is the much cattle farming in Poland? Lernen beginnen
How do you spell convince’’?
Arable farming is more important. Lernen beginnen
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You want to speak with the receptionist.
A rat is bigger than a mouse. Lernen beginnen
We were discussing, the country’s economic development.
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I can’t predict the future.
We take the milk to the dairy, regularly. Lernen beginnen
We have a low, level of ambitions.
Butter and cheese are dairy produce. Lernen beginnen
She’s calling the police.
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We were very naughty, when we were little.
There is a dairy, in our village. Lernen beginnen
They’re convinced, that we are going in the right direction.
There is a lot of mixed farming, in this region. Lernen beginnen
You should arrange, this shopping window again.
Do you like dairy produce? Lernen beginnen
Do we know the sum, of these two numbers?
We were walking, in our country lane. Lernen beginnen
They drove us, to the train station.
He doesn't like arable farming. Lernen beginnen
It can wait until Friday.
Her friend unzipped his briefcase. Lernen beginnen
He would rather, stay home tonight.
She lives in the London area. Lernen beginnen
They regret to inform you, that they are unable, to accept your proposal.
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