T 1 Company law

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member of the company, owner of the company who has a part of shared capital
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person from outside the company who is a quallified accountant and whose task is to inspect the financial records of a company
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person employed by a company to deal with all financial paperwork, person who deals with accounts (day-to-day finances of a company)
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person who lends money
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person who has borrowed money
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list of goods or service which shows how much you have to pay for them
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to limit
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to restrict
type of a company set up to carry out a task by 2 or more companies, each company remains independent from each other
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joint venture
agreement under which a director is employeed
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service agreement
situation when a company does not have enough money to pay its debts
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situation when 2 companies join together to form one company
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person who manages the business on day-to-day basis
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Executive director
post qualification experience, shows what experience you have gained after graduation
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to call
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to convene
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minimum number of people who must be present at the meeting to make a decission
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a duty to be loyal and to act in the best intrest of a company
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Fiduciary duty
enables an invalid to move
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mobility equipment
record of a meeting
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to postpone
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to adjourn
annual general meeting, meeting of all shareholders of a company which is convened regulary once a year
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extraordinary general meeting, convened if it’s necessary for shareholders to meet again
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method of voting by raising hands
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vote by show off hands
method of voting by writing on a paper
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when everybody votes in the same way
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passed at a meeting when simple majority is needed (over 50%)
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ordinary resolution
passed at a meeting when majority of 75% is needed
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Special resolution
to sell assets
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to raise assets
to sell companys assets to pay off its debts
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to wind-up
situation when a court is asked to appoint administrator to restructurise the company
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company is insolvent, liqiudator called a receiver to start proces of liquidation of a company
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person who represents shareholder and votes for him
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when the company is solvent, but shareholders decided to wind-up the company voluntarily
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Voluntarily liquidation
zatrudnić dyrektora/zwolnić dyrektora
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to appoint a director/remove a director
sporządzać protokół
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to take a minutes (draw up/draft)
podjać uchwłę
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to pass a resolution
wykreślić przedsiębiorstwo z rejestru
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to strike the company off the register
być w sporze
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to be in dispute
ogłosić dywidendę
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to declare a dividend
być niezadowolonym z czegoś
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to be dissatisfied with sth
działać w dobrej wierze
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to act in good faith
brać udział osobiście
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to attend in person
umieścić spółkę w likwidacji
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to place a company into liquidation
niezabezpieczony wierzyciel
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Unsecured creditor

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