tworzenie pytan 1

 0    26 Datenblatt    beatak41
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Frage Antworten
Czy pociąg juz odjechał?
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Has the train already left?
Czy wszyscy lubicie piwo?
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Do you all like beer?
Czy dużo tu pada?
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Does it rain much here?
Czy on nie może przyjść kiedy indziej?
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Can’t he come another time?
Czy nie powinieneś iść do lekarza?
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Shouldn’t you go and see a doctor?
Czy to nie straszne?
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Isn’t it awful?
Co on ci powiedzial zanim rozpoczelas prace?
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What had he told you before you started work?
Jaki jest ich dom?
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What is their house like?
Jak czuje sie twoja zona?
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How’s your wife?
Jaka jest twoja zona?
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What’s your wife like?
Kogo z naszych przyjaciol spotkałeś w Dublinie?
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Which of our friends did you meet at Dublin?
Ile kosztuje przelot do Londynu?
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How much does it cost to get to London by air?
W jakich godzinach pracujesz?
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What are your working hours?
Czy pojdziemy na spacer czy wolisz odpoczac?
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Shall we go for a walk or do you prefer a rest?
Do kogo piszesz ten list?
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Who are you writing this letter to?
Czym wyczysciles wczoraj buty?
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What did you polish your shoes with yesterday?
Po co oni zwolali to zebranie?
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What have they called this meeting for?
Z czyjej fotografii sie siejesz?
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Whose photo are you laughing at?
O jakie formularze prosilas?
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What forms did you ask for?
Z kim tam idziesz?
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Who are you going to go there with?
Do kogo piszesz?
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Who are you writing to?
Po czyjej bedziesz stronie?
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Whose side will you be on?
Po co kupilas ten obraz?
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What did you buy that picture for?
Czym sie zraniles?
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What have you hurt yourself with?
Komu zostawiles swoj adres?
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Who have you left your address to?
Z kim on rozmawia?
Lernen beginnen
Who is he talking with?

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