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petty crime
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drobne przestępstwo
During the 1980s, Petty crime was a significant problem in the country.
knock-on effect
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efekt domina; efekt uboczny
If one or two trains run late, it has a knock-on effect on the entire rail service.
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jęczeć, narzekać
My grandma is always moaning about her health.
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rub off on (sb)
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I hope his talent will rub off on me.
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szemrany, podejżany
They got involved with a dodgy businessman and lost all their savings.
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znieść; uchylac, uniewzniać
to end an activity or custom officially
Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in 1862. Educationalists have called on the government to abolish tax on computers. The government has pledged to abolish child poverty by 2020.
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Doris seemed reluctant to join the discussion.
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osunięcie się ziemi; walne, przytlaczające (zwycięstwo)
You always win this county by a landslide. A landslide approval was voiced for his candidacy.
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strach, bać się
I dread to think about consequences.
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wykres, rycina, ilustracja, rysunek, diagram
Analyze the figure and present your conclusions.
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We must remember that trade is essentially a good thing.
poke fun at sb
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nabijać się, naśmiewać się
Stop poking fun at me! Prime minister pokes fun at the leader of the opposition.
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pojawienie się, wyjście na jaw; wynurzenie
Since the emergence of this new situation, we have been in constant contact with the key players. The emergence of the submarine can be done in three hours.
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zwykły, zwyczajny, czczy; nic więcej, zaledwie
It's just a mere pie, nothing special. He finished the race in a mere hour.
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eksploatować, wydobywać; wyczyn, czyn bohaterski
Your exploit is the only thing in the newspapers right now.
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traktat, układ, porozumienie
The Treaty of Lisbon was initially known as the Reform Treaty. The king proposed a treaty.
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bliski, nadciągający, nieuchronny
The company is in imminent danger of collapse. Even facing imminent death, there was no fear in his eyes.

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