unit 2 - business communication

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Frage Antworten
jak idą sprawy?
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how are things going?
how are things going over there?
Co się stało z...?
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what's happening with...?
what's happening with the decorating?
gdzie jesteśmy z...?
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where are we with...?
where are we with the lighting?
Jak na razie całkiem nieźle.
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So far so good
Wszystko jest na dobrej drodze.
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Everything's on track.
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We're (+-ing)...
We are still painting the ceiling...
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We have finished/completed...
Czy możesz...?
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Can you...?
Can you do it?
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You can...
You can carry on with the rest of this paint.
Potrzebuję/ - emy kogoś//ciebie do...
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I/We need somebody/you to
We need somebody to be here then to open up.
Mogę/ Dlaczego nie...?
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Why don't I...
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I'll come with you, then.
Mogę... jeśli chcesz.
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I can... if you want
I can go there this afternoon if you want
Zostaw to mnie.
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Leave it with me.
Przykro mi, nie mogę.
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I'm sorry, I can't.
I'm sorry. I have an appointment.
Przykro mi, jestem zajęty.
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I'm afraid, I'm busy.
Wolałbym nie, jeśli jest ok(?)
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I'd prefer not to (if that's ok)
więc, podsumowując...
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so, to recap...
So, to recap, the painting's nearly done, the lighting's finished.
X zamierza/zrobi...
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X is/am/are going to...
wszystko idzie zgodnie z planem
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It's all going according to plan.
Wszystko wróciło do normy.
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Everything's back on track
Więc, wasza dwójka pójdzie kupić farbę(?)
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So, You two are going to get the paint...
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I'm returning your call.
Dzięki, za pomoc.
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Thanks for your help.
Sandra tutaj.
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Sandra's here.
Sandra mówi.
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Sandra speaking.
dzięki za telefon.
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Thanks for calling.
Co mogę dla Ciebie zrobić?
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What can I do for you?
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I'm callin about/for/to...
Pozwolę Wam wrócić do pracy.
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I'll let you get back to work.
Jest jeszcze kilka rzeczy do zrobienia.
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There are a few things still to be done, though.

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