Unit 2: Expressions with "go"

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go for
to choose a particular thing
Which course have you decidet to go for?
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go away
to leave your home and go to another place for a few days or weeks
We're going away for two weeks to stay with my cousin.
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go on
to happen
There's a lot of shouting next door. I Wonder what's going on.
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dziac się
go back on
to not do what you've promised or agreed
I totally trust Danielle. She would never go back on her word.
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go down with
to catch an illness
He went down with terrible flu the day before his interview.
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have a got at
to attmpt to do something
I've never been skiing before, but I want to have a go.
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make a go of sth
to make something (e.g. a business) successful
He's decides to make a go of new business for at least a year
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uczynić sukcesem (coś)
be on the go
to be very busy or working all the time
I've been on the go all day and I'm exhausted.
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być pełnym wigoru, byc w trakcie robienia czegoś
go without saying
to be clear without being said
It goes without saying that we'll suport you
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bez gadania coś zrobić, rozumiec samo przez się
go to great lengths to do sth
to take a lot a time and efford
They went to great lengths to make the party a success.
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zadać sobie dużo trudu

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