unit 8 working with words

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brać odpowiedzialność
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take responsibility
We want someone who takes responsibility for their own work. It's time for the company to take responsibility for its actions.
osoba umiejąca pracować w zespole
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team player
We want someone who is a team player, not who only wants to work on their own.
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work closely
We want someone who is a team player, and who can work closely with other people. /// We'll need to work closely on this project, so that nothing goes wrong.
połączyć siły, pracować razem
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join forces
In my opinion, we need to join forces with a local partner in order to get the contract. /// She will have to join forces with other people quite regularly.
uzupełniające się umiejętności
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complementary skills
She recognizes the importance of people having complementary skills. /// They have complementary skills. Hannah is a brilliant sales person and Cindy is an excellent administrator.
wspólna płaszczyzna, płaszczyzna porozumienia
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common ground
Especially as our department is about finding common ground between people and forming alliances. /// The team isn't working together. We need to find some common ground between everyone.
stworzyć sojusz
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form alliances
Especially as our department is about finding common ground between people and forming alliances. /// Telecommunications companies often try to form alliances with web companies to enter the broadband market.
wspólne przedsięwzięcie
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joint venture
The two companies want to start a joint venture in China.
wzajemne korzyści
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mutual benefit
I think if we work together, it will be to our mutual benefit.
wspólny cel
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shared goals
We have a shared goal - together we want to become the new market leaders. ///

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