Use of English 1. Test 3. Paper 3, task 4

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Frage English Antworten English
They don't mind which film they go to.
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It doesn't matther to them which film they go to.
He continued his story, even though no one was listening.
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He went on talking, even though no one was listening.
If I were left alone, I'd finish the job quickly.
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If you peole stopped interrupting I'd finish the job quickly.
The notice said that you could not smoke in class.
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The notice said that smoking in class was forbidden.
My mother did not like my new shoes.
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My mother disapproved of my new shoes.
She was dismissed because her typing was poor.
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She lost her job because her typing was poor.
He spoke confidently and that impressed me.
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He spoke confidently, which impressed me.
She doesn't know the dofference between margarine and butter.
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She can't tell the difference between margarine and butter.
He is famous for his vast knowledge of primitive religion.
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He is an authority on primitive religion.
He took no part in the discussion.
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He didn't contribute to the discussion.

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