viking art

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liść paproci lub palmy, bregne
linia walki
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a long, thin leaf of a plant
Ferns and palms have fronds.
końcowy, graniczny; nieuleczalny
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He doesn't believe their problems are terminal. This may prove a terminal blow for the troubled state-owned nuclear reprocessor. She has terminal cancer.
kosmyk, pasmo; pnącze rośliny
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a thin, stem-like part of a climbing plant that holds on to walls or other plants for support
staw biodrowy
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hip joint
kulka, grudka; śrut, bobki
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a small hard ball or tube-shaped piece of any substance: the solid waste of particular animals. small metal objects that are shot from some types of gun:
food pellet. rabbit/sheep pellets. shotgun pellets
wikt i opierunek. wyżywienie i zakwaterowanie
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board and lodging
fałdzik, fałd, płatek skóry usznej
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a lip lappet. Surmounting the tendril pattern appears a large striding animal in double-contoured rendering with spiral hips and a lip lappet.
wzajemne oddziaływanie
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mutual influence
The interplay between development and environment protection is our main focus

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