vocabulary units 2,4,6

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brush up
Lernen beginnen
practise and improve your skills/knowledge of sth
hit upon
Lernen beginnen
suddenly have an idea; discover something by chance Tell us how you hit upon such a great idead
make out
Lernen beginnen
see, hear or understand someone/sth with difficulty
swot up
Lernen beginnen
study sth very hard, especially for exam
take in
Lernen beginnen
understand and remember sth that you hear or read; accept sth as real/true; trick some1 into believing sth that is not true
think through
Lernen beginnen
consider the facts about sth in an organised and thorough way
have your wits about
Lernen beginnen
be able to think quickly and make sensible decisions You have got to have your wits about you to succeed in advertising.
put two and two together
Lernen beginnen
Guess what is happening No one told us that Diana was leaving, but we all put two and two together.
quick/slow on the uptake
Lernen beginnen
taking a very short/long period of time to understand sth
split hairs
Lernen beginnen
argue or worry about very small details which are not important Stop wasting time splitting hairs and look at the big picture.
take stock (of)
Lernen beginnen
spend some time thinking about the situation you are in before you decide what to do next
change around
Lernen beginnen
move things so that they are in different places
change out of
Lernen beginnen
take off the clother or a piece of clothing and put on different ones
do up
Lernen beginnen
repair, paint and improve and old building
make into
Lernen beginnen
change someone or sth so that they become sth else
the tools of the trade
Lernen beginnen
the skills and equipment that you need in order to do your job
crop up
Lernen beginnen
appear or happen suddenly/unexpectadly Something is cropped up, so I am afraid I will not be able to make it this afternoon.
knock off
Lernen beginnen
stop working I usually knock off woth at about one so I am at home at two.
lie ahead
Lernen beginnen
it sth lies ahead, it is going to happen to you in future No teenager really knows what lies ahead for them career-wise in the future.
make up
Lernen beginnen
work at different times from usual because you have not worked enough at the normal times
press ahead on/with
Lernen beginnen
continue doing sth in a determined way, despite difficulties
set out
Lernen beginnen
start doing or working on sth in order to achieve an aim
take on
Lernen beginnen
start to employ someone; accept some work or responsibility
tide over
Lernen beginnen
help someone to get to the end of a difficult period, especially by giving them money untiil they can get some more
while away
Lernen beginnen
spend time in a relaxed way when you have nothing else to do
wind down
Lernen beginnen
end/finish sth gradually; realx after a period of excitement or worry
a stitch in time saves nine
Lernen beginnen
used for saying that it is better to solve a problem now, rather than leave it until later when it may be more difficult to deal with
all in good time
Lernen beginnen
used for telling some1 to wait for sth and not try to make you hurry Have you finished reports? Not yer, all in good time
at the drop of hat
Lernen beginnen
Let me know if you need help and I will be there at the drop of hat
in/for donkey's years
Lernen beginnen
an extremely long time
on the spur of moment
Lernen beginnen
suddenly I invited Graham to dinner on the spur of the moment. I am sorry I didn't invite you first
the other day
Lernen beginnen
recently I was talking to Sandra the other day and she didn't mention redundancies.

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