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pare sth (down) to the bone Lernen beginnen
zmniejszyć ilość maksymalnie, do koniecznego poziomu
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We have obtained what we wanted.
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Here we are now facing independence within a few months, and yet not one sheikhdom has any form of franchise whatever.
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He had his business ran by a deputy while he was gone.
/liˈeɪ.zɒn/ Lernen beginnen
I could be like your liaison with the police.
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I supervise a team of ten customer relations staff.
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The palace has issued a communiqué denying the rumour.
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All my attempts to cheer her up proved futile.
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"Will you be able to come tomorrow?" "Alas, no."
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I'm going to liven myself up a little by going for a run.
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wspaniały, znakomity, genialny We had splendid food/a splendid holiday/splendid weather. You look splendid in that outfit.
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Gathered all together in this church, we commemorate those who lost their lives in the war.
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dołeczki (w policzkach); dołek, wgłębienie Freddie was an angelic-looking child with blond, curly hair, blue eyes, and dimples.
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They don't even have the courtesy to do it behind my back.
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na miejscu, bezbłędny, celny, trafny "How old do I reckon she is? I'd say 38." "Spot on."
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łaskawy, uprzejmy; miłosierny Mr Smith is a gracious person. God gracious! jolly
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zarzucać (coś komuś), pomawiać The two men allege (that) the police forced them to make false confessions. It was alleged that Johnson had struck Mr Rahim on the head.
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I signed my name and blotted the paper. Western industrial countries and Third World governments that forms a blot of our modern civilisation
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She assured me that my fears were baseless.
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There isn't a shred of evidence to support her accusation. His response to the accusation was rapid. A spokesman for the Palace has denied the accusation.
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His clothes were ripped to shreds.
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Smarowanie dłoni (łapówkarstwo)
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The evidence against them is all hearsay.
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łapówkarstwo, przekupstwo Bribery is a crime according to the Penal Code.
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lewa kasa, fundusz łapówkarski He used his party's slush fund to buy votes in the election.
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surowy, prymitywny; ordynarmy, wulgarny a crude remark/comment He is such a crude man.
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I put all unworthy thoughts out of my mind. The theory was unworthy of serious attention.
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zaliczka (za mieszkanie, dla prawnika); sługa; apatar retencyjny
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różny, rozmaity, różnorodny miscellaneous household items
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He held out a fistful of crumpled dollars.
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A lot of allegations have been made against this report.
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They have devised a cure for this illness. The press office can devise something convincing
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The police conducted an inquiry which lasted for two years and brought no results.
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I shan't be able to come to your party. "Pick those books up immediately." "Shan't (= I refuse to)!"
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I'm frightfully sorry about the noise last night. Frightfully interested...
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prawdziwy, autentyczny; szczery, uczciwy The diamond appeared to be genuine. She gave me a genuine smile.
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Please take it, and have a jolly good time with it.
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grób; posępny, poważny, nie na żarty, The young man's face was calm and grave. They didn't know they were in grave danger
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Only a monster could commit such a despicable crime.
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The floor could use some sweeping here
to sweep under the carpet Lernen beginnen
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patrzeć przez palce, pobłażać I cannot connive at bribery and corruption.
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oszustwo, fałsz, nieuczciwość The story is about theft, fraud, and deceit on an incredible scale. When the newspapers published the full story, all his earlier deceits were revealed.
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be racked with pain, with guilt
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męka, udręka, tortura, męczyć dręczyć I'm tormented with the knowledge. This boy always torments other children at school.
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harówka, tyranie, ciężko pracować I've been slogging away for days on this essay and I'm still not finished.
work/play/fight ones guts out Lernen beginnen
I've been working my guts out these past few weeks and all he can do is criticize.
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They accused competitors of mounting a smear campaign to drive them out of the market.
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A surcharge may be made for deliveries outside normal hours.
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